Apply to Be a Peer Mentor

As a peer mentor fellow, you will:

  • Observe and learn mentoring and leadership strategies from faculty and staff in the Office of Undergraduate Research.
  • Prepare to apply mentoring skills leading a group of Research Scholars participating in a two-day research skills short course.
  • Learn how to guide and direct novice undergraduate researchers in preparing for and continuing work in established research labs.
  • Collaborate with other fellows on motivating new researchers and best practices for ongoing peer mentoring.
  • Assist undergraduate Research Scholars with preparing and displaying their work in poster format at the Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (SURCA).
  • Have opportunities to present to, and discuss your own research with, a wide array of audiences, such as classes, advisory boards, or even the WSU Board of Regents.
  • Be eligible for a scholarship to support your academic endeavors.

Application Form

Submit an application to become a peer mentor in the WSU Office of Undergraduate Research. The due date for submitting this application is Aug. 21, 2024.


"*" indicates required fields

2About You
3Academics & Research Experience
4Personal Statements & CV


Peer Mentoring Responsibilities

Peer mentors are expected to be available for as many of the following events and activities as possible:

  • Peer mentoring training: This training will take up approximately 4-6 hours in fall semester. Dates/times to be decided, as it will be arranged around everyone’s class schedule.
  • Course/club/event presentations: Making short presentations (10 min.) to UNIV 199 and UNIV 104 courses in the fall semester, the Undergraduate Research Club, and at other university courses or events where there exist clear opportunities for undergraduate research.
  • Moderation of presentations: Act as moderators in any oral presentation sessions that may be scheduled for DAESA conferences, showcases, or symposiums.
  • Research skills short course: Guide and instruct a group of students enrolled in this 1 credit course (UNIV 199). The course will be scheduled on two consecutive Saturdays early in spring semester.
  • Monthly mentoring appointments: Spend 2-4 hours per month guiding and mentoring those who aspire to become engaged in undergraduate research. These appointments will occur over fall and spring semesters in person and online.
  • Attend monthly meetings: Be prepared to respond to detailed agenda items that require Peer Mentor involvement.
  • Event tabling: Help with tabling events and/or showcasing undergraduate research as needed.
Confirmation of Eligibility*
Please select which of the following criteria you meet that will fulfill your eligibility for serving as a peer mentor.
  1. Eligibility
  2. About You
  3. Academics & Research Experiences at WSU
  4. Personal Statements & Curriculum Vitae