Funding and Credit Opportunities at WSU for Undergraduate Research

How do you fund your research, scholarship, and creative activity at WSU?

No matter what your major is, research, scholarship, and creative activities are valuable opportunities for many reasons (see “Why and When to Get Involved”). The opportunity to receive funding or academic credit is often one of those reasons. Faculty and disciplines have varying standards and expectations for undergraduate research, and this impacts how funding or academic credit is provided. When you engage in research, scholarship, or creative activities, you may find yourself in any of the following situations::

  • Volunteering: Conducting research on a volunteer basis can provide valuable experience that will open the door to greater opportunities.
  • Earning academic credit: Various majors might offer research courses. To learn more, ask your advisor if you can receive academic credit for your work.
  • Working for pay: You may be compensated for your research efforts as follows:
    • Hourly “time-slip” work
    • Work-study awards where the government supplements your hourly pay
    • Both hourly time-slip pay and pay through work study often only pay you for doing routine chores in a research setting. In some cases, you may be paid for work directly from the research project. (Note that “routine chores” can lead to research projects.)
  • Receiving scholarships, fellowships, awards, or stipends: Numerous scholarships and awards are intended to support students who engage in undergraduate research. (See Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards available at WSU for more details). Note that factors such as your discipline and year in college may impact your eligibility for these opportunities.

This complexity in how undergraduate research is supported is why it is important to discuss opportunities to receive funding, academic credit, or scholarships/awards before you commit to a particular undergraduate research opportunity.

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards available at WSU

Funding Specifically for Presenting Your Research

Some sources of support, notably travel grants, are earmarked to cover the costs of presenting your research at regional, national, or even international disciplinary meetings and conferences. Be sure to check the website of any meeting you are planning to attend to see if this kind of support is available.

National Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards